Virtual Rollick 2021 - Friday 1st January - Monday 1st February 2021

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Virtual Rollick 2021

Before you enter Virtual Rollick 2021

Although we are disappointed not to be holding our typical Riverbank Rollick in January 2021, Thornbury Running Club are delighted to be holding the inaugural ‘Virtual Rollick’

To make sure that the spirit of the infamous ‘Rollick’ is not lost, we expect at least half of your run to be off-road and to involve an acceptable level of mud wind and water.

To this end we would encourage all participants to upload photographic evidence of rivers, dirty trainers, muddy faces or any other inspired pictures from their chosen routes on to our Facebook event page ( to assure us that you have suffered appropriate and traditional levels of discomfort.

All participants will receive a medal for their efforts and whilst we will NOT be providing prizes for the speediest runners, we will judge the photos received via Facebook and reward the muddiest and grubbiest accordingly

The Club (TRC excluded) with the most entries will receive 6 free places in the next Rollick that we are able to hold.

  • Run your own socially distanced 9.6 mile route
  • Run any time between 1st and 31st January 2021 - go on you know you want to do it on New Years Day!
  • Follow the instructions and the link emailed to you to in order to submit your elapsed time (not moving time) accompanied by a screenshot of your run from your running application of choice
  • Medals will be posted during February as we collate the results and assess the photos
  • Places can be transferred using the Race Nation web portal
  • Entries are limited to 400 and will close when this limit is reached or at 13:00 on January 31st, whichever comes soonest
  • Runs must be completed and evidence submitted before 23:59 on January 31st
  • “Over the past few years our medals have been shaped like a segment of pie (or cake for those with a sweet tooth!) so that by completing all three of our events it creates a whole large medal. As the Virtual Rollick is a one off we have, on this occasion, opted for a smaller version to keep costs down and donate more to our two charities. We hope you understand.”


Registration for this event has now closed.

About Virtual Rollick 2021

This year's event will be held in support of our two current club charities, to which we will be donating at least 50% of the proceeds.  If you would like to make an additional donation, please pay their respective websites a visit: -

We hope you all continue to enjoy the trails through these tough times and we all look forward to running together again as soon as circumstance allow.

Many thanks

Joanne Emerson


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