Jersey to Southampton Hospital Challenge 2024 - Thursday 1st February 00:00 - Wednesday 20th March 2024 23:59

Powered by RaceNation & SportsGiving
Jersey to Southampton Hospital Challenge 2024


Registration for this event has now closed.

Make A Donation

Even if you're not taking part in Jersey to Southampton Hospital Challenge 2024 you can still do your part for a good cause by making a donation.

About Jersey to Southampton Hospital Challenge 2024

The Grace Crocker Family Support Foundation supports families who have children requiring medical treatment home or abroad.

Throughout February we are challenging you individually or with a team, to walk, run or jog the distance from Jersey Hospital to Southampton Hospital, a total of 164 miles, to raise money for The Grace Crocker Family Support Foundation which exists to support Jersey families in need of medical treatment home or abroad.

The challenge can be completed inside or outside across February and can be tackled individually, as a family or in teams.

We suggest using the Strava app to track your progress or any other fitness tracking app or watch that you are comfortable using. 

The challenge is free to enter but we ask that each entrant aims to raise a minimum of £50 for The Grace Crocker Family Support Foundation. On registering you will be given an individual online fundraising page where you can share to get people to donate online.

Remember to share your progress with us online by tagging us on Facebook and Instagram using #164forGrace

The event is kindly supported by Brooks Macdonald.

  Log in to your account

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Entry Listings

Contact Jersey to Southampton Hospital Challenge 2024

The Grace Crocker Family Support Foundation

Registration Number: 253

RaceNation App

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