VCP Jump Jersey Year 6 Leavers' Event 2024 - Friday 19th 18:00 - Friday 19th July 2024 20:00

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VCP Jump Jersey Year 6 Leavers' Event 2024

Before you enter VCP Jump Jersey Year 6 Leavers' Event 2024

Year 6 Leavers' Party - Friday 19 July 6-8pm

We would like to invite your child to the VCP end of Year 6 Leavers' Party! 

We have arranged two hours of exclusive use at Jump Jersey on the last day of school, Friday 19 July 6-8pm. The cost, (including buffet dinner, drinks, disco jumping and limited climbing) is £25 per child.

Please note that this is not an event organised by the school or the PTA, but a small group of parents. Whilst the event will have limited supervision by Jump Jersey, children do remain the responsibility of their parents and we note this is NOT a drop off event. We do appreciate some parents may choose to group together to cover this responsibility, but we will need to ensure that a minimum number of parents are on hand to support on the evening of the event. Please advise if you are happy to help supervise on the evening. 

Supervision aside, we are really hoping all available will be able to attend the event - it’s a great opportunity to get them together to celebrate such a monumental day.

Please kindly make payment for your son by Sunday 26 May 2024. Due to payment terms of the venue, payment is non-refundable.


Registration for this event has now closed.

About VCP Jump Jersey Year 6 Leavers' Event 2024

Year 6 Leavers' Party - Friday 19 July 6-8pm

We would like to invite your child to the VCP end of Year 6 Leavers' Party! 

We have arranged two hours of exclusive use at Jump Jersey on the last day of school, Friday 19 July 6-8pm. The cost, (including buffet dinner, drinks, disco jumping and limited climbing) is £25 per child.

Please note that this is not an event organised by the school or the PTA, but a small group of parents. Whilst the event will have limited supervision by Jump Jersey, children do remain the responsibility of their parents and we note this is NOT a drop off event. We do appreciate some parents may choose to group together to cover this responsibility, but we will need to ensure that a minimum number of parents are on hand to support on the evening of the event. Please advise via the booking, or your class Whatsapp group, if you are happy to help supervise on the evening, and/or if your son has any dietary requirements.

Supervision aside, we are really hoping all available will be able to attend the event - it’s a great opportunity to get them together to celebrate such a monumental day.

Please kindly make payment for your son by Sunday 26 May 2024. Due to payment terms of the venue, payment is non-refundable.

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