If you've registered on race-nation.co.uk before, sign in here
Please remember that you cannot request a specific start time. All heats will be set according to your 5km running time which must be submitted with your registration. This is critical to ensure the steady flow of competitors and administration requirements.
You will receive your allotted time approximately 7 days before the race date.
All due care will be taken to ensure the safety of the running track, indoor arena and equipment used. Neither Storm Force Fitness Limited nor any of the associated event sponsors can be held responsible for any injuries sustained by participants during the race.
By purchasing a ticket for, and registering for the Tornado Race, you accept all liability for your participation. It is your responsibility to ensure you are fit enough to take part in the race. If you are in any doubt regarding your physical wellbeing, injury status or any other factor regarding your ability to take part in and complete the event, you should consult your GP or specialist before booking.
If you have any problems booking, please email support@race-nation.com rather than Storm Force Fitness.
If you've registered on race-nation.co.uk before, sign in here