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The Sprint Triathlon will be held on Wed 8th May and is Race 2 of the CSS Cup race series.
It will consist of:
400m Swim
20km Bike
5km Run
Registration will be 0900 - 1030
Race Brief 1045
Race Start 1100
For more details and the AI, please contact use the following link: Group: RLC Triathlon | Defence Connect (mod.uk) or contact Corps reps:
RLC Major Justin Ede DCOS REME Arms School MoD Lyneham Justin.ede330@mod.gov.uk
REME SSgt McCready 8 Trg Bn REME MoD Lyneham richard.mccready728@mod.gov.uk
AMS Capt Patrick Jones Adjt. JHG(S) Fraser Building HMS Patrick.jones221@mod.gov.uk
RE Capt Victoria Duncan, 32 Engr Regt, Catterick Victoria.duncan100@mod.gov.uk
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