CSS Super Series Duathlon September 24 - Wednesday 18th 11:00 - Wednesday 18th September 2024 15:00

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CSS Super Series Duathlon September 24


£ 10.00
Standard entry £ 10.00
Standard Entry (Ages 16 - 100)

About CSS Super Series Duathlon September 24

The final race of the CSS race series at MOD Lyneham on Sat 20th Sep will consist of 3 mini duathlons:

2.4 Km run

9.6 Km bike

1.2 Km run

Registration will be 1100-1200

Race Brief 1215

Race1 Start 1230, Race 2 Start 1330, Race 3 Start 1430

For more details and the AI, please contact use the following link: https://jive.defencegateway.mod.uk/groups/reme-triathlon-association/activity or contact Corps reps:

RLC Major Justin Ede DCOS REME Arms School MoD Lyneham Justin.ede330@mod.gov.uk

REME SSgt McCready 8 Trg Bn REME MoD Lyneham richard.mccready728@mod.gov.uk

AMS Capt Patrick Jones Adjt. JHG(S) Fraser Building HMS Patrick.jones221@mod.gov.uk

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Contact CSS Super Series Duathlon September 24