Welfare Officer / Safeguarding Lead Training (‘Time to Listen’) - Monday 27th January 18:00 - Tuesday 21st October 2025 21:00

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Welfare Officer / Safeguarding Lead Training (‘Time to Listen’)

Before you enter Welfare Officer / Safeguarding Lead Training (‘Time to Listen’)


Not-for-Profit Sport Organisation 

For representatives of charitable or non-profit making sport organisations. 

All Jersey Sport training and workshops are delivered free of charge to local sports volunteers*.

For-Profit Sport Business

For representatives of profit-making sport organisations. 

Profit-making sports organisations are charged a nominal fee of £40 to attend*. Sports workforce should register using the the 'Professional Sports Workforce' ticket option and will be invoiced for the total amount which is required to be paid in full ahead of the workshop date. 

*In the event that you are no longer able to attend this workshop, please contact our team at training@jerseysport.je. An administration charge will apply for non-attendance without prior notice.


£ 0.00
Monday 28 April May 18:00-21:00
£ 0.00
Monday 28th April 2025 (Ages 18 - 130)
11 Tickets Remaining

£ 0.00
Tuesday 21 October 18:00-21:00 Venue TBC
£ 0.00
Tuesday 21 October 2025 (Ages 18 - 130)
19 Tickets Remaining

Make A Donation

Even if you're not taking part in Welfare Officer / Safeguarding Lead Training (‘Time to Listen’) you can still do your part for a good cause by making a donation.

About Welfare Officer / Safeguarding Lead Training (‘Time to Listen’)

About this event

The ‘Time to Listen’ workshop is UK Coaching accredited and developed in partnership with the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU), and delivered face-to-face by Jersey Sport tutors. The Jersey-specific referral system is included.

Please note: you must be a current resident of Jersey to access our training and workshops.

The workshop is designed to support Welfare Officers and Safeguarding Leads carry out their safeguarding roles and responsibilities within their respective sports organisation, and build the knowledge and confidence to know how to deal with a safeguarding incident or concern. The workshop will provide the opportunity to discuss a range of topics in a friendly, open and informal environment, as well as providing an opportunity to learn from other local Welfare Officers and Safeguarding Leads.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

– Identify the role and responsibilities of a Welfare Officer and Safeguarding Lead

– Describe how a Welfare Officer / Safeguarding Lead works with others to create a safe child-centred environment

– Explain how the Welfare Officer / Safeguarding Lead role fits into the wider safeguarding environment

– Apply learning to case studies and own context whilst sharing good safeguarding practice

Participants must be at least 18 years old to enrol, and must have completed UK Coaching’s Safeguarding & Protecting Children in Sport workshop within three years before completing this training (this workshop is also delivered locally by Jersey Sport). The ‘Time to Listen’ workshop certification is valid for three years upon completion, however we would recommend completing refreshers every 1-2 years to remain current with good safeguarding practice.



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Contact Welfare Officer / Safeguarding Lead Training (‘Time to Listen’)

Jersey Sport Limited

Registration Number: 281