Jersey Cancer Relief Half Marathon 2024 in association with JSAC - Sunday 8th 08:00 - Sunday 8th September 2024 11:00

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Jersey Cancer Relief Half Marathon 2024 in association with JSAC

Before you enter Jersey Cancer Relief Half Marathon 2024 in association with JSAC

8.00 - 11.00am Sunday 8th September 2024

The Jersey Cancer Relief Half Marathon in association with Jersey Spartan AC is a friendly community event which is open to runners of all abilities, raising funds for the two charities.

The race is the most southerly half marathon in the British Isles and is held on tarmac roads. 

The course undulates from FB fields athletics track, in St Clement, at sea level and rises after the first mile through scenic country lanes to the north-eastern parishes before descending into Gorey and following the coast back to the finish at the athletics track. The route passes local heritage sites including Hougue Bie, Gorey Castle and several Martello Towers, enabling you to enjoy both leafy green lanes and beautiful sea views.

Each runner will receive a technical t-shirt and a bespoke medal.

To take part in the half marathon participants must be aged 17+ or over on race day.


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Make A Donation

Even if you're not taking part in Jersey Cancer Relief Half Marathon 2024 in association with JSAC you can still do your part for a good cause by making a donation.

About Jersey Cancer Relief Half Marathon 2024 in association with JSAC

Jersey Cancer Relief Half Marathon in association with Jersey Spartan AC

Briefing Notes

The Jersey Cancer Relief Half Marathon in association with JSAC starts on the athletics track near to the Clubhouse at 8:00 am. Runners do a single lap clockwise at the start and another one to finish at similar point to start line about 40 metres from Clubhouse at the 200 metre mark. 

Generally we advise runners not to push too hard from Longueville Manor to Hougue Bie as the rest of the course is more “accommodating”.

Your details must to be added on the rear of your race number in case of emergency. There will be spot checks on the morning of the race. Anyone found without their emergency contact details will be told to add them. If they refuse, they will not be allowed to start the race. The number should be clearly visible on your front especially as we will have manual timekeepers as backup for the chip timing.

Parking is limited so please share cars wherever possible. Due to some urgent repair works at the FB pumping station, parking will be at Le Rocquier school. The school is just under one mile from the start/finish. Please allow sufficient time to park and get to the start. There will be limited parking for volunteers on the tarmac netball pitches at FB Fields, which can be accessed from Plat Douet road and then through the estate. No parking is permitted at the FB Fields main car park as this is reserved for people who attend the Church. Any special requests are to be emailed to

Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the 8:00 am start. The grassed field in front of the Jersey Sport pavilion is the recommended area for warm up. Toilets are found adjacent to pavilion, in the Clubhouse and at the Netball block near the stand on Far Side.

To take part in the half marathon participants must be aged 17 or over on race day.

The Course map is attached. Mile markers will be set out on the course. After the initial 1.25 miles the roads are open to traffic and you are directed to stay on the left hand side. The course is measured based on open roads with runners keeping to the left hand side (of road). You may be disqualified if you cut the course by running beyond the middle road markings. 

PLEASE NOTE RUNNERS MAY ONLY USE BONE-CONDUCTION LISTENING DEVICES as all other listening devices, which reduce ability to hear external noise, add significantly to the risk of a runner not being aware of other runners and Traffic on the route. 

It is not normal for runners to use pavements in Road Races of this kind but in exception on the coast road some runners may feel more comfortable on the pavement when traffic is busy. Please remember to respectfully share the pavement if there are pedestrians. 

Results will be scrutinized and signed off to be published as soon as practicable via a link to the JSAC website, that will be emailed out to all entrants and through a post on JSAC Facebook page.

Information regarding the presentation of awards for runners in the respective age categories will be available closer to the event date. 

Any offers of help on the day, for marshalling, handing out water, or with set up would be gratefully received, please sign up on this event using the "Volunteer Sign up" ticket. If you have any questions, please reach out to

Medical Support and your Personal Safety

We take your safety very seriously and endeavour to provide a safe environment for you to race in, however,you must take every precaution to prevent de-hydration and follow these basic rules:

  • Ensure that you are well hydrated before race day.

  • Sip water as you wait in the start area.

  • If you feel the need to drink between water stops bring your own water bottle or hydration pack. (There will be a minimum of three water stations on the course).

  • Take time to drink at each water station-slow down and drink.

  • If you are feeling that your heart rate,temperature and breathing are not as you would normally expect during a race you must stop, cool down and decide whether you should walk, retire or carry on.

Normandy Rescue will be supplying ambulance and paramedic cover on the day.

Water stations

Jersey Spartan AC seeks to make the Jersey Cancer Relief Half Marathon an eco-friendly event. Please dispose of any rubbish by placing it in bins or drop zones that will be located shortly after each water station. Littering will not be tolerated.

Race Cut-off

There will be a race cut-off of 3 hours to complete the course, which is at the discretion of the Race Director. The race requires a cut-off to ensure that our volunteers, who keep participants safe on the course, are not required to remain outside at their positions for an unlimited time.

T-shirt deadline

The deadline for receiving a T-shirt/vest is Friday 9th August 2024. Any entries made after this date will not receive a T-shirt.

Ticket Prices for non-Jersey Spartan AC Members (not including admin fees)

Early Bird rate (until Friday 1st March) - £30 (£28 for EA affiliated athletes)

Standard rate (until Friday 2nd August) - £35 (£33 for EA affiliated athletes)

Late Entry rate (until Wednesday 4th September) - £40 (£38 for EA affiliated athletes)

ENTRY DEADLINE is Wednesday 4th September at 17.00 UK time. NO entries will be accepted after this point.

RunBritain Event Licence number #26767

Jersey Cancer Relief

Jersey Cancer Relief came into being in 1968, initially as the Jersey branch of the national campaign, when it was found that some cancer patients and their families were finding it difficult to cope financially because of their illness.

It was incorporated as a Jersey charity in November 1973. Since then, due to generous donations and our own fundraising efforts, it has been possible to offer assistance to many Islanders.

Jersey Spartan Athletic Club

Jersey Spartan Athletic Club is a community, not-for-profit organisation and registered charity committed to developing the fitness and wellbeing of children and adults of all ages through participation in athletics and road running.

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Contact Jersey Cancer Relief Half Marathon 2024 in association with JSAC

Event Charities

Jersey Cancer Relief

Registration Number: 48

Jersey Spartan Athletic Club

Registration Number: 261