If you've registered on race-nation.co.uk before, sign in here
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Over 5,300 children are living in poverty in Wokingham Borough Council. It's time to do get active and doing something based on the number 5.3, 53 or 5,300 anytime during 2022.
Share your pictures of your 5.3 Virtual challenge on our 5.3 Virtual Challenge Facebook group or Instagram. We will be giving out a selection of Spot Prizes for the most creative activities and highest fundraising.
Raise over £53 and choose either a bespoke wooden medal, have a tree planted with location/certificate emailed to you or ask First Days to purchase a packet of nappies on your behalf.
Challenge yourself to help others.....it's a really good feeling for everyone......
If you've registered on race-nation.co.uk before, sign in here