Highbridge Jewellers Bourton 10k 2025 - Sunday 23rd 09:30 - Sunday 23rd February 2025 11:00

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Highbridge Jewellers Bourton 10k 2025

Before you enter Highbridge Jewellers Bourton 10k 2025

Bourton 10k is full. Please add your name to the waiting list below.

Bourton 10k transfers

All transfers must be completed by 5pm on Thursday 20 February 2025.

Transfer to a fellow runner

There is a £5 (plus 26p admin) charge to transfer your place to a fellow runner. Please follow these instructions.

Log into your account at http://my.race-nation.co.uk/ using the email address you registered with.

If you've never logged in before you will need to first claim your account by entering the email address you registered with at this link https://my.race-nation.co.uk/account/claim and follow the instructions.

When you have successfully logged in, you will need to locate the entry you wish to transfer and click on the Transfer button.

Select Transfer to another entrant. You will then be asked to enter the email address of the person you wish to transfer to and select Start transfer. This will automatically send an email invitation to the new entrant.

Once the person you're transferring to receives the email, they must click the Start Your Transfer and complete their details.

When they have completed their registration and paid the transfer fee, they will automatically be processed into the event and the original place will be cancelled.

Transfer to a runner on the waiting list

Runners transferring their place a runner on the waiting list will be refunded their entry fee. You will only be refunded if your place is filled by someone on the waiting list. If your place is not transferred, you will not be refunded.

Please follow these instructions.

Using the email address you used to enter the Bourton 10k, email us at bourtonroadrunners@gmail.com. The subject of the email must read “Bourton 10k transfer to waiting list”.

In the body of the email, please insert “Please transfer my Bourton 10k place to the next person on the waiting list.”

The new runner has 24hrs to complete their entry, after that the place will be offered to next person on the waiting list and so on.

The new runner will be charged the appropriate entry fee.

You will not be informed who has taken your place.


Bourton 10k transfers

All transfers must be completed by 5pm on Thursday 20 February 2025.

Transfer to a fellow runner

There is a £5 (plus 26p admin) charge to transfer your place to a fellow runner. Please follow these instructions.

Log into your account at http://my.race-nation.co.uk/ using the email address you registered with.

If you've never logged in before you will need to first claim your account by entering the email address you registered with at this link https://my.race-nation.co.uk/account/claim and follow the instructions.

When you have successfully logged in, you will need to locate the entry you wish to transfer and click on the Transfer button.

Select Transfer to another entrant. You will then be asked to enter the email address of the person you wish to transfer to and select Start transfer. This will automatically send an email invitation to the new entrant.

Once the person you're transferring to receives the email, they must click the Start Your Transfer and complete their details.

When they have completed their registration and paid the transfer fee, they will automatically be processed into the event and the original place will be cancelled.

Transfer to a runner on the waiting list

Runners transferring their place a runner on the waiting list will be refunded their entry fee. You will only be refunded if your place is filled by someone on the waiting list. If your place is not transferred, you will not be refunded.

Please follow these instructions.

Using the email address you used to enter the Bourton 10k, email us at bourtonroadrunners@gmail.com. The subject of the email must read “Bourton 10k transfer to waiting list”.

In the body of the email, please insert “Please transfer my Bourton 10k place to the next person on the waiting list.”

The new runner has 48hrs to complete their entry, after that the place will be offered to next person on the waiting list and so on.

The new runner will be charged the appropriate entry fee.

You will not be informed who has taken your place.

Make A Donation

Even if you're not taking part in Highbridge Jewellers Bourton 10k 2025 you can still do your part for a good cause by making a donation.

About Highbridge Jewellers Bourton 10k 2025

Bourton Roadrunners hosts the Bourton 10k on 23 February 2025.

The course consists of 2 laps of the village, followed by a run out and back, finishing with 1 more small lap of the village. The course is flat, fast and traffic free. There will be kilometre markers. Traffic control ceases after 1 hour.

Race HQ: Bourton on the Water Primary Academy

Distance: 10k run

Start: 9:30am

Online entry price: £18.00 + 95p booking fee (attached); £20.00 + £1.05 booking fee (unattached)

60% of all profits made from our races are donated to charity.

  Log in to your account

If you've registered on race-nation.co.uk before, sign in here

Contact Highbridge Jewellers Bourton 10k 2025

Event Charities

Midlands Air Ambulance Charity

Registration Number: 1143118