OBA Training - Introducing an Outcomes Based Accountability Approach for your Charity September - Wednesday 6th 14:30 - Wednesday 13th September 2023 11:30

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OBA Training - Introducing an Outcomes Based Accountability Approach for your Charity September

Before you enter OBA Training - Introducing an Outcomes Based Accountability Approach for your Charity September

OBA Training - September
Introducing an Outcomes Based Accountability Approach for your Charity (AKA how to measure the difference your charity makes)

This course is delivered in two parts with the first session introducing you to what an OBA approach is and why you would adopt it in your charity. It covers basic OBA principles, expressing and measuring how your charity "makes a difference" and how you can utilise this approach in planning and grant applications. The sessions are suitable for charity governors, CEOs and fundraisers and no prior knowledge of OBA principles is required.
Part two is a workshop where you will gain an insight into the steps that a local charity took to implement and apply the OBA approach to their work and the difference this has made to them and their stakeholders. You will then be helped to get started by applying an OBA approach to one aspect of what you do in your charity.

Part 1 is delivered by Mary Curtis of Calmera Limited, Wednesday 6th September 14.30 till 16.30 at Pips Place, Union Street, St Helier

Part 2 is delivered by Fiona Vacher, CEO of Jersey Child Care Trust, Wednesday 13th September 09.30 till 11.30 at Pips Place, Union Street St Helier.

Only 15 places available on each session, however there will be a waiting list so please still register if the session is full and you will be advised if a space becomes available.
Please note by booking on this training you are booking on both part 1 and part 2.
There is a fee of £40 per person, to include both sessions, payable on booking and which will be refunded (net of booking platform charges - tbc) once you have completed both sessions. Once booked, please advise soonest if you cannot attend.


Sorry, this event has now sold out. Please join the waiting list should a place become available. 

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