Entry List for R&H Summer Fun Runs

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Entry List

Entries in R&H Summer Fun Runs

About R&H Summer Fun Runs

These four Junior R&H Summer Fun Run events are organised with the team at R&H who have generously made it possible to make this FREE to all entrants from 7 years to 16 in our Community. 

The distances of the run are carefully aligned to the age group and all abilities will be able to complete the run at their own pace.  This year we are introducing some Relays and Sprints.

Fun and Friendships Forged through outdoor activity can last a lifetime and should create a wealth of positive experiences. The objective is to keep these "Runs" as low key as necessary but happy experiences for Children and Grandchildren, We encourage both beginners and more experienced young runners to join the events and respect and support their peers.  The results are a secondary priority for the majority. The small group of more regular young runners are the exception and we recognise a happy experience is key.

The below dates and venues are Provisional until all permissions are received.

Saturday 30th April  Les Jardin de la Mer  near the water Fountains

Saturday 21st May    Les Jardin de la Mer 

Saturday 18th June  Les Jardin de la Mer 

Saturday 16th July  Les Quennevais Sports Centre Cycle Track.

Contact R&H Summer Fun Runs